By Arthur Patterson

Location: Breydon Water

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(Excerpt of a poem by Arthur Patterson, lamenting the declining way of life of the feral Breydoners).

Cum list to me, ye Breydoners, while I tell in lines of rhyme.

Of our doin’s in the old days what have fled on wings of time;

When the old flats swarmed with wildfowl; when the godwicks came in clouds;

And the pipin’ full-eyed plovers roamed the ooze in feedin’ crowds;

When the gay old mallards joined ‘em for the dibble up the ponds;

While the fludd tide driv’ the curlews for a gossip on the ronds.

But the glory’s gone for ever, our old pals lie in the dust,

And the fowl have with ‘em vanished, and the ducks gone to rust.