By Year 5 Students

Location: Village in the Fens

Project Title: Children’s accounts of special and favourite place in Rural East Anglia

Project Description: Children provide a combination of image and text to illustrate places which have particular meaning for them.

Collector: Drs Elsa Lee & Richard Irvine with teachers’ support

Collection Date: September 2014 to January 2015

Collection Details: Either in classroom discussions or as take home activities


This is different as they did not do the homework activity so these notes are from a team work exercise where they wrote about their special places on a spider diagram.

Bowling in Bury I won a cookie

War Memorial to remember who died in war

Fields across the road by my house Picking Raspberries

Liverpool FC

Tottenham Hotspurs

Center Parcs in Elveden Forest because I got to play with my godmother’s son

My room because I like to play there.

My house, privacy, my space (bed)

My nan’s house because I can see my Nana.

Swimming in Ely – my first dive and belly flop.

Lithuania because my family live there.

Essex because I was born there.

Wales because my family live there am also Welsh.

Build a bear workshop.

Farm because I used to live on one.

Cambridge because I was born there.


Lincoln because my dad and sister lives there.

Sports centre because I go there often and I know everyone

My cousin’s house because I have got a baby cousin.

My home because it is cosy and warm

Home it is my home.

My dad’s work because I go there often and everyone knows me.

My mum works at Tesco. Htehr4hall school (secondary) because my brother used to go there.

My dad works at the corner shop and I go there because I miss him and I help him fill the shelves.

My brain because my brain is my world.

St Neots and Romsey because I used to live in these places.

My dad’s house.


Going to Kessingland because the team stars know me very well and I go there nearly every weekend.

America Florida because I have been there twice and have a lot of happy memories. Disney land and Turkey because I go there a lot.

Stables because they make me feel at home and when I am upset they make me feel happy.

My old house in Fen Drayton because I was little I used to live there and I have memories of that.

My camper van in Wales because I am part Welsh.

M and M world because there is chocolate.

Family holidays because I am looking forward to them, they are exciting.

Petshops, lifelong memory, family, care, get a pet.



Football, friends from different schools, new friends


Bedroom/house, private

Computer, football game, happy.

Forest adventure, wildlife, tree, get creative

Graveyard, family

Spending time with your family

Lithuania born there

Portugal met some lovely people

Library because you can learn

Hotel so you can go on holiday

Fens VillageB church you can remember people died.

London grandparents born there.

Centre parcs wonderful adventures

School so we learn stuff

Home I live there

Thetford forest I had a lovely adventure.

War memorials you can remember the people that died.