By Children aged between 8 and 11

Location: Village in the Fens

Project Title: Children’s accounts of special and favourite place in Rural East Anglia

Project Description: Children provide a combination of image and text to illustrate places which have particular meaning for them.

Collector: Drs Elsa Lee & Richard Irvine with teachers’ support

Collection Date: September 2014 to January 2015

Collection Details: Either in classroom discussions or as take home activities


This is one of my favourite places. It is in Cornwall at a campsite. I go there on holiday every summer. I like to hang out at this place with family and friends on holiday. Photograph of a Cornish beach


This is Mother Ivey’s Bay; one of my favourite places. I go there every year. This is a picture of Mother Ivey’s Beach. Photograph as described


A place where something amazing happened. Saw so many wonders of the world. Photograph of a family standing in front of the Yellowstone National Park sign.


Its where I sleep and read, play on my tablet and play with Playmobil. Also I like my soft toys, when I get cross I hide under the cover. When my friends come round we play and chat in there. We sometimes write notes to each other instead of talking. Photograph of bed with bookshelf, bean bag and posters on the walls.


Cornish Harbour Villages: where land meets sea is very interesting and an exciting place to have fun and each time we visit it’s a new adventure.


I go in my room to play lego and my sister comes in to play very often and watches TV with me and I read my Star Wars book and my Minecraft book. I sometimes go on the freeview box in my room. Photography of a bed with tv controls, and lego on the window sill and a toy dog in the corner.


Harry Potter land in Disney World was magical and the best holiday ever! Photograph in black and white of a building from Harry Potter world.


The Fields of Prulla

I love the fields because they are full of grasshoppers and when walking some jump up and land on your shoulder. It is unspoilt, crowded with amazing insects like the praying mantis that camouflages itself with every shade of green and brown, in the morning you can see the tracks left by the wild boar and deer – including their poo! Or the edges of the field there are olive trees: we collect olives by using crates and nets. It’s fun whacking the branches. The photograph shows some of the narrow fields with the sunlight shining through the olive trees. Montage of hand drawn insects and a photograph as described. Much effort went into this creation!


Photograph of a slide attached to a house


These are two photos of my Grandma and Grandad’s Garden where me and my cousins play on swings and play football. In the summer we have lots of fun because Grandad does a BBQ and Grandma bakes cakes. At the back of the garden there is a big tree and it’s a giants tree but on it there is a squirrel that never moves. Photographs (2) of a tree with swings with a small sign on it that reads (to the Giant’s House) and the second of a garden with football goals on the grass and flowers in pots on the concrete patio.