By Media Project East

Location: The Broads

Source Description: Mardling from Coast to Broad

Source Author: Various Norfolk school schildren, directed by Media Projects East, with help from The Museum of the Broads and Poppyline Education

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Copyright: Media Projects East

The Hyter Sprites

Video Content for the above

Kim Dawes
When I was about six years old, I was on the wherry Lord Roberts with my father, and we’d been carting beet, and we had to sleep on board the night, and we got the old fire going, and he said he’d tell me a story. The reason why this story came about is because I said to him earlier on, what are them little blue things following us behind us? There was two or three of them. He said he’d tell me later. And so when we got our mug of tea and our food, sitting in the cuddy there, nice and warm, he said they’re called Hyter Sprites. Well, I said, I never heard of Hyter Sprites. Well, he said, they’re little fairies, who go looking for children who get lost, and their mums and dads don’t care for em.

Robert Clark, the Broadlands smuggler, took the rum of the coastal boys along the waterways inland. He was warned by his fellow smugglers not to travel that night. Headstrong as he was, he was determined to deliver his rum and baccy. As he crossed Barton Broad, the Hyter Sprites appeared. They were strange and mystical things, unlike anything he’d ever seen before.He had been warned by still sailed on. (Video shows the smuggler crashing, drowning, re-emerging as angel)