By 11-year-old boy, Petersfield, Orwell

Location: Wimpole

Project Title: HEIF 5 : Gathering and communicating climate knowledge, with particular reference to generating impact at local and national levels

Project Description: Collecting narratives from schoolchildren about their local environments as part of a wider engagement with schools, NGOs, community groups and policy-makers.

Collector: Dr Richard Irvine

Collection Date: 2014

Collection Details: Collected during walks with children from Petersfield Primary School to look at children’ connection to place and understanding the environment over time.


Hear: Animals, people, traffic, tractors, wind (rustling leaves)

Smell: Animals, flowers (spring), Herbs, Fresh cut grass (spring)

See: People, trees, animals (farm animals), dogs (pets)

Feel: Animal (stroke or touch them), The wind against your face

100 Years Later

In 100 years time at Wimpole, there might be a change in weather (temperature) which causes animals to evolve, change their diet or to even become extinct.

In the future for Wimpole, I think there will be more efficient farming equipment to make the work the farmers put in even easier than it is today.

100 Years Earlier

I think 100 years ago in Wimpole there were less cars since back around that time cars were new and only just invented not that much earlier.

I also think that it was a lot more woody. As I have seen in old photos and evidence of being there, there were more trees as for now when some have been cut down.

100 Years ago there were a lot of uses for horses. One of them was for ploughing fields which is still done today but not as common.