By School pupil

Location: Orwell

Project Title: HEIF 5 : Gathering and communicating climate knowledge, with particular reference to generating impact at local and national levels

Project Description: Collecting narratives from schoolchildren about their local environments as part of a wider engagement with schools, NGOs, community groups and policy-makers.

Collector: Dr Richard Irvine

Collection Date: 2014

Collection Details: Collected during walks with children from Petersfield Primary School to look at children’ connection to place and understanding the environment over time.

In the Clunch Pit, I can see lots of dips and chalk (clunch) surrounding the area. There is a herd of sheep taking over the land. I can see freshly-cut trees and footpaths dotted here and there. At the top of the hill there is an old beacon and an amazing view looking over the land. Birds tweeted sweetly and the sheep were baa-ing happily. I can hear dogs barking and young children squealing, the wind whistling and leaves rustling, and my parents chatting. I can feel the soft grass brushing against my trainers and the wind blowing my hair around like crazy, the slight heat of the sun shining on me. I can feel the wind's breeze sending chills down my spine, making me cold, and the rock-hard clumps of clunch rolling under my feet. The smell of few hung in the air along with the wonderful smell of all the flowers. I could also smell the fresh Evergreen trees that have just been cut.

One hundred years ago in 1914, I think that the Clunch Pit had a lot more chalk and clunch, because the people had to build lots out of the clunch (building stone). They could make chalk for a chalkboard and play games with it!

In one hundred years' time, I think that the Clunch Pit won't be there. I think that it will be replaced with some houses or a building site.