By Museum of the Broads

Location: Martham

Source Description: Website of videos

Source Author: Various schoolchildren, in conjunction with Media Projects East

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Copyright: Media Projects East


Video content for the above

Paul Randall
That is my mother, and think that was 1938, she was the carnival queen of Martham. And this photo is my daughter, she was carnival queen 1992.

David Harris
I remember quite vaguely one year, my brother-in-law went into the crane hire business with a partner, and he brought a 7-ton mobile crane to the village, and he had of course what you’d call a basket, and we were giving people rides at 10p a time in the basket, picking them up and swinging them round three times, dropping them down, you wouldn’t be allowed to do that today!

Lady 1
Some of our photographs show wonderful processions through the village with village children.

Lady 2
The earliest one was I guess just before the war, when they had a greasy pole across the pond, I’ve got photographs of somebody struggling across this greasy pole, and lots of people watching.

Lady 1
On the day of the Queen’s coronation we had a big carnival in Martham, my dad decorated his lorry up as a coronation miller, he had a red white and blue suit, and the lorry was all decorated up red white and blue. And I was on the back of the lorry dressed as a coronation cook, chef’s hat and white apron and a mixing bowl. And we went all round the village and then back. And then of course there was all events on the green, for children, races and things, and then there was a big bunfight, a big part in the village hall.